After enduring many years of traumatizing tribulations and living to tell the tale, Corinna has dedicated her life to helping others unravel the conditioning and deep rooted pain that can be responsible for stealing our self worth and diminishing our quality of life. While on a journey to heal herself from PTSD amongst other mental setbacks that were left behind from her tumultuous childhood, she discovered that everything in the mind can be cured from within. With no trust left for society or mental health professionals, she chose to take healing into her own hands. After years of research, deep inner reflections, and lots of lifestyle changes, she finally managed to conquer the tormenting thoughts and feelings that used to dominate her inner world. While once teetering on the edge of suicidal ideations, and extreme paranoia, Corinna’s determined spirit was able to figure out the secrets to internal healing. Sharing what she’s learned along the way has become her greatest passion and inspiration for this book.
This is her story…
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